will you be there michael jackson (choir) (piano) hold me like the river jordan and i will then say to thee you are my friend carry me like you are my brother love me like a mother will you be there? hey oh hey oh oh hey when weary tell me will you...
3月11日-16日,独自完成英文版歌词《I'll be there》。3月27日,正式录制视频。“在那段时间里,脑海中总能浮现出欧洲人民抗疫的场面,歌词、旋律时不时地涌现出来。”李可玉说,整个创...
I told her I didn't And crawled off to sleep in the bath And when I awoke I was alone This bird had flown So I lit a fire Isn't it good Norwegian wood? 挪威的森林 我曾有过一个女孩 还是说她曾拥有我 她领我到她的房里 这岂不很美妙,挪威的森林?
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